Monday, December 13, 2010

The Three Thingies for UTT :)

Dear Mr. Teacher Sir,

There are many things wrong with the idea of naturalism, but lets just stick with three. So the first thing that is wrong is that naturalism never addresses things that are not physical, such as numbers, logic and the like. Numbers and logic are things we can know, they are concepts that we can fully understand. Things like this don't go with Darwinism and naturalism, they just cannot mix.

Another thing that contributes to the wrongness of naturalism is the fossil record. According to naturalism, all animals came from one common ancestor. The only problem is when we look at the fossils there is no support of this idea of all animals coming from one. Naturalist quickly said that animals from back in the day had too soft of bodies and there for there would never be any fossil record. Interesting, right? Sounds like they just make this up as they go so there ideas can sound right.

Last of all we have the idea of natural selection. I remember in UTT the other day when we learned about the fruit fly with four wings. Then I remembered we studied this in Miss Walkers biology class, cool right? Anyways, a normal fruit fly has one set of wings, it flys with them, duh, but when scientists mutated a fruit fly to have two sets of wings (four). These so called scientists said to themselves, "Look at us we are SOOO smart, we made a fruit fly with two sets a wings." But there little four winged fly, was a cripple and all the other flys stayed away from it. Because this four winged fly was a crippled social outcast, and could only live in a lab, it died off never to be seen again. As you can see, this mutation was not selected, even though it should have been better it wasn't.

And this is why Naturalism has so many problems and is not solid information.

Thank you and good night!

-Jessica Cvitkovic