Monday, February 28, 2011

~Law #3~

Islamic and Christian law seem the same but they are very different. It is easy to glace at the two and say "Oh! They are the same!" but they are most defiantly not. When you take a deeper look and actually look into the laws, you will find that they are completely different.

First of all, Islamic people believe in the Shari'ah law. Shari'ah law is the code of law derived from the Koran. On the other hand, Christians believe in Divine law which is the law that is believed to come directly from God. The Islamic view of law involves politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, social issues, and much more. This is so that the law is involved in every part of everyone’s life. Not following the Islamic laws in an Islamic society would get you punished or worse killed. While the Christian view comes directly from the bible and leaves worldly stuff outside of it unlike Islamic law.

Seconed, Shari'ah law is extremely binding. These laws seem to put punishment at the top and that's rather unfair. The christian law is the complete opposite, it's all about forgiveness and freedom and the like. When you look at Islamic and Christian laws you can see that, to an Muslim your good deeds are all that matter, one screw up and for lack of a better word, your screwed. But a Christian knows that we can repent, we become redeemed and we all can end up in heaven if we only accept Jesus into our heart.

Last of all, Islamic law doesn't have any personal relationship what so ever with Allah. On the other hand, Christians do have a personal relationship. Our God knows and understands us. He offers us his hand when we fall and helps put us on he right track again unlike Allah then Islamic equivalent of Jesus/God.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Laws

No, legal standards are not up to every individual. You are either breaking a law or not breaking a law. We don't each have a say in the law. It really wouldn't make any sense for us to let every individual interpret the law. They are written down in extreme detail for a reason, so that we don't have an option to interpret to fit every one.

Just like God's laws. We don't pick in choose or decide which one's we follow and to what degree. We are told to follow them all, they don't differ from one person to another. Even though sometimes we break these laws, we can make up by doing better next time and asking for forgiveness.

So just our laws on earth and God's laws are firm, we are not able to interpret it to fit our own lives. We are to follow and obey these laws until the worldly one's interfere with God's laws. As servers off Christ we are to obey him and his standards for us and hold our brothers and sisters in Christ accountable.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ultimate Authority

Dear Sarah,

I think that God is the ultimate authority for creating laws. His word is our foundation for right and wrong. Our government bases our laws off of his ten commandments, expect maybe the exception for you shall not worship other gods, which our society disobeys. But when our society becomes corrupt and allows laws such as abortion then we look to God, and he says that is wrong. And many governments of today make laws without God in the picture. Some are ok to obey and others we are told not to follow, or know better then to do so. God sets the laws in our lives that we are to follow, and he tells us to follow the laws of this world, unless they directly disobey his words. So to sum this all up and answer your question more clearly, no, our government is not the ultimate authority.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Christians and Feminism

How should Christians respond to feminism?

Christians should respond to feminism in a responsible way. We need to take into account that although feminism, in my opinion at least, isn't a good thing that alot of women today respond to it. We need to go to our sisters in the Lord and help them see that they are doing more harm then good, especially if they are married. I feel that it is a slightly different story.

Anyways, women are designed to do certain things, and they excel at these things usually better then a Man. If we fulfill our God-given duties then we can glorify God. So by rejecting what God has set out for us to do is bad, we need to rejoice in what we have been given. So sense God has designed woman to complete man, be a helper, rescuer and warrior to him and others, it is clear what our duties are. So when we try to ignore these roles or give them to man, it usually doesn't work out. We are built one way and man another, so it is most important that we understand that.

All in all, we need to be equal but in different ways then what feminism asks for. Yes a woman should make as much money as a man, but women do not need to be highly exalted or placed higher then men. Women need to understand, as well as all Christians, that it is important that we fulfill our roles more then anything else.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sexist or Homophobic?

Yes, there are probably many people who think that the Bible and Church are sexist and homophobic. And I would have to agree that there will be people in the church that make you think, "wow, what a sexist/homophobe" but that is not what the bible says.

In UTT this past week we've studied genesis, the creation of man and women. And after breaking down the chapters and verses, it is clear that women and man are created equally. And even though it seems that God has made man to be "more" he hasn't. We are equally yoked, and do the same things, just differently. God calls us to do and be different but one in the same. So even though it may seem like God has given one or the other more or less, it's important to know that he doesn't, he has made us EQUAL.

The same goes for the homosexual topic. God never once says that he hates homosexuals. Yes, he dose say that it is something you should not partake in, but he doesn't like the act not the people. God says that we should help out brothers and sisters, and we need to turn to our friends who maybe homosexuals and say, "It's ok. I'm there for you. And you know, God doesn't hate you, he might be unhappy with what your doing, but he doesn't hate you."