Thursday, March 24, 2011

Global Secular Government

If the entire world was to be under a new rule, then I think there would be many changes to every body's lifestyles. A global government means there is no international laws, no currency changes and no country competitions, because we are all the same country. We would all be happy and friendly and work together, right?

Wrong. There would still be struggles in the world. There is just some people that can't get along. A Muslim and a christian are not just suddenly become "BFF's" just because our world became one big happy family. Conflicts between people would probably become a little worse then usual. And even though we were told that we are all one, and for a while this might work, but we would most defiantly separate again, it's like oil and water, you can mix it up and it stay like that for a little while, but eventually it separates.

From a religious point, I believe that there would be on big world religion, something new, that would be forced by the government. This way, religion would not get in the way of the peace. This religion would be accepting of everything, nothing would be off limits and people would probably worship the government, or something like that.

So this is what a one world government would look like, changes everywhere, and nothing good or bad would come out of it... it would probably stay the same never moving forward.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Am I a Teen Mom?

2) Teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced.


Ok so this makes me think of teen mom and the "teen mom" baby boom thing that has somehow gotten popular sense the movie Juno. If you have not seen that movie, I suggest you pick up a copy because it's a good watch and it's very real, well as real as it can get for being a movie. Anyways, I usually feel that these people should not be set in a positive light, nor should they be set in a negative one. I kinda feel they are in one big grey area. I really feel that there is only one solution to stop this is, keep your legs crossed until marriage. But because in the world we live in today can't wait to "get it on", that can't be the right answer. I truly feel that the girls who get pregnant should first decide weather they are to keep the baby or give it up for adoption, and the parents instead of being upset, should be fully supportive of whatever there daughter has chosen. Secondly, the baby daddy needs to either be apart of the child's life in some way, weather that is giving money to support the family or playing an active role, it dose not matter, they guy just needs to be mature about it and step up to the plate. Thirdly, I think the government should help just a little, maybe a special school will be set up for teen moms with daycare provided, or maybe a special loan is given out until the child is 3. That way, the mother can support or child and go to school and what not so after this special loan runs out, she will be able to care for her child in a proper manner. I also think for teen mothers, they should have to go to mandatory counseling. Having a baby is very emotional and I would think it's almost traumatic for someone so young. Counseling would be a healthy way for these moms to deal with any emotional problems that came with carrying and giving birth to the child.

Although teen mom's seem to have a grim future, I believe that they can change that. If they just where able to receive more support and help. That way, there futures wouldn't have to be so grim and also, there child would be able to live a normal stress free life. If mommy is happy, then baby is happy.

Monday, March 14, 2011

4th Law Blog

This article discusses the issue of equality. Its view of equality s that no one person, race, or gender is put higher then another. To put it visually imagine a cookie cutter person, then picture them grey and genderless. No body would be different. People would view everyone the same with eyes unclouded by race and such. But certain people, such as the feminists and minorities, feel that they are oppressed and denied equality. So they get justified when they are given the same rights as the rest. To me equality and justice sort of blended. The justice of this world, were everybody is the grey cookie, is to see everybody push aside there differences and match one personality, making sure there was never any conflict, differences, or unequal-ness. Sounds alot like communism....

Anyways, back to real life, in our world today we have too many differences. Too many x factors and the such. We could never conform to the grey cookie cutter world because you would have a hand full of people who wouldn't give up there unique-ness.

Christians should see justice, and equality, in God's words and with the laws God has given us. The scripture we were to read says that we are to do what is "just and right". So to a christian, God's final say is what is justice, we are to follow his rules as closely as possible.

(Winning Till the World Ends)