Sunday, May 17, 2009


Well, I think Taoism is the lazy way of life. My knowledge of it is, Taoism is consisted of numerous teachings based on various revelations. And, in Taoism there is good in bad and bad in good. You need a little of one in the other. In Christianity there is a line between good and what is evil. And there is no middle, good and evil don't walk hand in hand. I like the way Taoists live there lives, its a very relaxed life. I think it's appealing to most people. Which is why I find it to be really popular, who doesn't want to live a relaxing life? In all honesty I would never say "I love to be busy and work for my whole life". But, I don't think life can be lived being lazy, so that's why as a christian I like to do things for others rather then be lazy. These are my thoughts about the Tao.

Monday, March 2, 2009


I felt the Koran was a very interesting read. It had many things to say against Christianity and the Jewish people. It had obscure views of women, which I thought was awful. Also the Koran was very demanding in what it said and it told you what to do and how to do it. Where as the Bible is instructing us, and it seems to flow nicely and make more sense then the Koran. I felt the Koran was a good learning experience, but I didn't make to much sense of it nor did I overly agree with what it had to said.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Well what do I have to say about Camelot. It was pretty good for being a musicals.( I'm going to pretend I like musicals) I loved what the story was about, first it was love and then a sinful love. But it all ends up ok, it has to because it's like all other fantasy stories about princess's and prince's, the end is always happy it has to. (It's an unknown rule.)

What I think is most appealing about this story is that it's a fantasy and very few people dislike fantasies. It's the most common type of story and it's easy to watch and not say, "OH This could never happen." well of coarse not duh that's why it's called fantasy.

To make this movie one of my all time favorites would be to get rid of the singing, I can't be serious while people sing. But if I liked singing, if is the key word. (Sorry I can't be serious.)

All in all, good movie!


-Jessica Cvitkovic