Sunday, January 30, 2011

Parenting and the State

I don't think it would be wise for the state to control how we parent our kids. Although I can see how the idea would be appealing. If the state had control then there is the possibility of less stupid kids, less abuse and such, but there is one problem. There would have to be a standard, and who is to say what the right and wrongs of parenting are because there are so many styles. Many people think that spanking is child abuse, and other just see it as a way of disciplining there kids. Another example is how strict parents are, some parents have no control and let there kids do whatever, others don't even let there kids breath without asking, this is exaggerated obviously but you get the point.

So the answer is, no the state needs to keep to itself when it comes to how we parent our children, there are just too many different parenting style and so therefore almost impossible to set a standard. Even in the areas other then discipline and rules, we can't control what/how we teach out children. Some parents are controlling to what there kids learn and know about, others could care less.

All in all, No, the state needs to keep out of our homes. So far people have managed to raise kids pretty well, we don't need a third party coming into homes telling us what we can and cannot do with out kids.

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