Friday, April 22, 2011


Michael Moore said that the wealthy are hoarding there money, leaving the rest of America poor and struggling to solve the money crisis. He said that the Rich need to pay more taxes and the poor need to pay less. And although I do feel the rich should have to pay more, I mean if I make 40,000 a year and my friends makes 200,000 why should I have to pay the same or more? And I think we should be willing to help out the people who want to be helped, if we help them off the streets then that would take care of some issues. But I don't think we should be wasting our time with the people who are not even going to bother helping themselves, helping them would be like flushing a $100 down the toilet. So I guess, I kinda agree with what he has to say to an extent. I don't think we should make everyone equal, I'll still make 40,000 and my friend 200,000, but I shouldn't have to give back to the government the same amount.

Because, if we made it all equal, what would be the point? We may as well employ the homeless to be homeless, right?

So all I am saying is, I'm going to work just as hard or harder and still not make as much as my friend, but I don't want to be held accountable for paying the same, because it's just not fair, but the answer is NOT equality.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Econ #1

Mr. Moore said that, "All great religions day essentially the same thing Marx said." And although this may seem true, it is not. It seems to me, that they all sound similar, and they might be close to looking the same on the outside, but when you dig deeper you can see the exterior of the religion and see what they really are all about and what they stand for. To go on, they all talk about how we should treat the poor, and yes they all seem to say the same thing, rich give to the poor. However, this is not all carried out in the same way, and it's not always fair. Carl Marx believed that everything should be forced, and made equal. Nobody was rich or poor, just equal. Muslims also deal with the poor in a rather unlikely matter, instead of help solve the problem, they are just required to give them a percent of there yearly salary. Both of these world views are dealing with the poor, but not in a way that helps get them off the street. There are alot of great Christian programs, that helps homeless get cleaned up and off the streets. They give them jobs and an education. This is what these people are called to do, help the homeless. This is better then any amount of money or equality. And it ultimately solves the homeless problems. In the end, it's a much better solution. So, when you look at the way the different worldviews/religions help the homeless, you can see they are all trying to help. And so this would make one think, "Hey they are all the same, they all help out the bums." But when you really look into it you can see, some ways are more effect then others, and sometimes, there is only one right way.