Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Walk

December 28th 1:00-

It was really cold. I wish I would've worn a warmer jacket. My little dog walked briskly, wagging her stub of a tail. She pulled and tugged. It reminded me of how we all pull and tug at life. We are like fish swimming up stream. I feel like I am swimming up a waterfall. It's almost time for high school to be over? I look back and what have I done? I feel like I've done nothing. But I have! I've done so much. I've finally figured things out so I always have all my ducks in a row. But I then though of that fish swimming up stream and thought of my home life. It's always time for me to break free of my parents. I am excited but scared.

I stumbled a bit as Daisy, the dog, pulled a little on her leash. She'd seen a cat. She barked and barked, scaring it off. I wondered why dogs and cats can't be friends. I think it just depends on how you raise your animals. Just like if you raise your kids to be vegetarian, they are "trained" to not eat meat. And like the old saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". But maybe that doesn't apply to people. :)

I didn't see much on my walk. Just some cats, houses, cars. The crazy lady who always gives me the stank eye when I pass her house. It's EVRYTIME I pass. It's creepy. Sometimes I wish I lived in a more rural area, like in a cabin in the woods. But I only wish that sometimes, because I really like the mall. Shopping = Life. Hahaha just kidding.

As I made my way back home I honestly thought alot about school and cheer. How it is so hard to keep a balance between cheer and school and social life. It is so hard to do all three. Sometimes I feel school takes up so much time. For example we have this break, and I have to do homework. This is a break for a reason. It's easy homework... but I feel like it's busy work.

I finally made my way to the porch, Daisy exercised and happy as can be, me ready to walk back into my warm house so I could crawl back to bed. I'll just put homework off until Monday.


MsWeisman said...

Jessica, I can hear your voice reading this-- it's perfectly you. :)

You're right: even though it may often feel like we've done nothing, we've all done SO much. If you're encountering challenges and letting yourself try, there's no way to AVOID learning. Looking back, even when feeling like so little has been accomplished... I have to believe that learning occurred, somehow, along the way. And, for better or for worse, high-school throws you many, many challenges. Continue to invite those in-- that's LIVING. :)

Really enjoyed this. Thank you!

MsWeisman said...

typo-- 15/15!